Vinaros Spain Travel Guide
When I first relocated from Nerja in the Costa del Sol, I lived in Vinaros Spain for a year. The friendliness of the people struck me immediately, it’s a pleasure to go to the shops and indoor market...
Easter Week Vinaros
Easter Week Vinaros-Semana Santa-Semanta Santa Festival Date: 01-04-2015 Easter Week in Vinaros, like most Spanish towns and villages, is entirely different to what we experience in the UK, Ireland and many...
Carnival Vinaros-Carnestoltes
Carnival Vinaros-Carnestoltes Festival Date: 29-01-2016 Carnival in Vinaros is one of the best that I have been to so far in the Valencian Community. In 2016, it starts on the 29th January and goes on for 10+....
Christmas in Vinaros
Christmas in Vinaros-Navidad en Vinaroz Festival Date: 11-12-2015 In the lead up to Christmas and for the all important 6th of January, Three Kings, the streets of Vinaròs are decorates, and there are...
Vinaros Saint Carmen Festival
Vinaros Saint Carmen Festival-La Virgen del Carmen Festival Date: 16-07-2015 On a magical summer night, you can see what is normally a spectacular vision out at sea, during the Vinaros Festival of Saint...
King Prawn Gastronomic Festival Vinaros
King Prawn Gastronomic Festival Vinaros-Fiesta del Langostino Festival Date: 09-08-2015 Follow in Salvador Dalí’s footsteps, and come to this wonderful foodie fiesta …he did in 1965! Just in case...
Vinaros Festival of Saint Anthony Abad
Vinaros Festival of Saint Anthony Abad-Sant Antoni Abat Festival Date: 17-01-2015 This is a traditional festival that is on in many places in the Valencian Community and Catalonia. In Vinaros, on the night of...
Vinaros Festival of Saint John and Saint Peter
Vinaros Festival of Saint John and Saint Peter-Feria y Fiestas de San Juan y San Pedro Festival Date: 22-06-2015 As if the lovely weather and famous prawns were not enough for you, during the week that runs...
The Benefits Of Being By The Sea & 6 Lovely Fishing Towns
When I first started travelling, it was in much the same way that the average person does; getting away once or twice a year,...
Delta de l’Ebre Natural Park
The Delta de l’Ebre Natural Park has a unique, magical landscape. As it’s flat, it is perfect for those who enjoy cycling, which in my humble opinion is a wonderful way to absorb its immense...
Festa San Sebastian Vinaros 20th January-Feast of Saint Sebastian Vinaros
Each year on the 20th January, the people of Vinaros celebrate the feast of their patron saint – Sebastian. 2014 will be the...
Els Ports National Park Catalonia
The dramatic, rugged landscape of Els Ports National Park stretches between the communities of Catalonia, Valencia and Aragon, taking up a total space of around 60,000 hectares. The majestic limestone massif...
Orange Blossom Coast During Orange Harvest Season
Want to discover some unspoilt areas of Spain? One of these is the Orange Blossom Coast – Costa Azahar, which has many beautiful...