March Festivals

Benicarlo Fallas and Fiesta of St. Joseph

Benicarlo Fallas and Fiesta of St. Joseph Festival Date: 10-03-2016 VIP – PLease note that this starting date is currently estimated. Las Fallas have been celebrated in Benicarlo since 1973, and since...

Almassora Easter Week

Almassora Easter Week – March/April Festival Date: 21-03-2016 If you’ve been to Spain during Easter Week before (Semana Santa) you will appreciate how important this is here. Just like everywhere...

Carnival Castell Platja d’Aro-Carnaval

Carnival Platja d’Aro-Carnaval Festival Date: 06-02-2016 Of the many excellent carnivals in Catalonia, this one is possibly the most famous. Dates for now are estimated, but it will be around that time...

Altafulla Carnival

Altafulla Carnival In 2015, the Altafulla Carnival started with the Trout Contest. Like most other carnivals here, the highlights are at the weekend, in this case, with the War of Confetti and of course the...

Barnasants Song & Music Festival

Altafulla Barnasants Song & Music Festival Festival Date: 01-02-2015 This is a singer songwriters’ festival which runs during February and March, which in 2015 had its 20th anniversary. It is held...

Besalu Ironsmiths Fair

Besalu Ironsmiths Fair Festival Date: 01-04-2015 The above date needs to be confirmed with the tourist office, the details are below. This is a fair for iron smiths and iron artists, and of course those who...

Besalu Jewish Festival

Besalu Jewish Festival Town – Early March – Besalú, Ciutat Jueva Festival Date: 28-02-2015 The festival runs in 2015 from the 28th February until the 1st March. This is a celebration of the Jewish...

Peniscola Easter Week

Easter Week here is rather spectacular. Think great setting by the sea, with oodles of history …not to mention the fact that the castle was once a Papal Palace…If you do get the chance to visit...

Sitges Barcelona International Vintage Car Rally

Sitges Barcelona International Vintage Car Rally Festival Date: 22-03-2015 A fabulous way to remember a bygone era, the Sitges Vintage...

Three Turns Festivals Tarragona

Three Turns Festivals Tarragona-Tres Tombs Festival Date: 16-03-2015 This procession of horses and carts through the city streets is one of the oldest festivals in Tarragona. After the procession the animals...

Tarragona International Dixieland Festival

Tarragona International Dixieland Festival-Festival Internacional Dixieland de Tarragona Festival Date: 25-03-2015 In 2015 the dates for when Tarragona becomes jazz central are from the 25th to 29th March! The...

Tarragona Family Week

Tarragona Family Week Festival Date:27-03-2015 From the 27th March until the 2nd April, Tarragona is the place for families – well it is really all year around, but during this week there are lots of things...

Begur Carnival-Carnestoltes

Begur Carnival-Carnestoltes – Before Lent Each Year Begur has both a children’s and a normal carnival, which starts off with the children’s one first. Like everywhere else, these are held in the...

Amposta Carnival

Amposta Carnival-Carnestoltes Amposta Carnival is normally a 3 day affair, being split into the main carnival, the children’s carnival and then the burial of the sardine. The main carnival of course has...

Alcanar Carnival Carnestoltes

Alcanar Carnival-Carnestoltes In the municipality the carnival is split between Alcanar town and Les Cases d’Alcanar. One is before the other, so this means that if you go during this time you almost get...

Alcala de Xivert-Alcossebre Carnival

The tradition for carnival time in Alcalà de Xivert-Alcossebre is that one weekend it is in Alcalà de Xivert and then the following weekend in Alcossebre. There are parades, masked balls and the burial of...

Forge Festival Piera – Festa de la Forja al Raval de Piera

The Department of Tourism of the City of Piera in collaboration with the festival association of the Gats neighbourhood, host the...

Passion of Cervera – La Passió de Cervera

According to studies which have been conducted by the University of Sorbonne in Paris, the beginning of these historic performances...

The Passion of Olesa de Montserrat – La Passió d’Olesa de Montserrat

There is documentation that shows that this has been running since the 16th century. The locals of the town play the parts in the...